Ideation management


Choose Right Ideas and Create an Impact

With PPM Express, take control of idea management like never before. This intuitive tool aids in systematically organizing, evaluating, and prioritizing ideas, ensuring your team dedicates its energy to projects with the highest potential.

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Ideation management in PPM Express
Hours saved per PM annualy with AI
Ideas made successful with PPM Express
Ready-to-use Power BI Reports
Discover How Teams Use PPM Express
Product Manager

As a Product manager, you can drive product evolution by:

  • Gather ideas aligned with customer needs and market trends.
  • Refine product ideas and features collaboratively.
  • Monitor new ideas in product development.
  • Analyzing customer feedback for continuous product improvement.
  • Evaluate market feedback for future ideation.
Demand Manager

As a Demand manager, you can foster innovations by:

  • Encourage diverse ideas from your team.
  • Quickly evaluate the feasibility and potential of ideas.
  • Manage business cases for strategic alignment and impact evaluation.
  • Integrate ideas into strategies and refine them based on performance.
Portfolio Manager

As a Portfolio manager, you can align ideation with strategic goals by:

  • Oversee ideation pipeline across projects and teams.
  • Select ideas in line with business objectives.
  • Monitor impact of ideas across the portfolio.
  • Adjust ideation tactics based on business dynamics and outcomes.
Team Coordinator

As a Team coordinator, you can enhance innovation across teams by:

  • Create a unified platform for team idea exchange.
  • Streamline evaluation and integration of cross-departmental ideas.
  • Allocate resources based on innovative project needs.
  • Connect teams with a cohesive, idea-focused approach.
Manage ideas with PPM Express
Innovate and Execute with Ease
Learn through our eBook how proper methodologies reshape how teams generate and develop ideas, leading to more efficient project realization.
Get your FREE eBook
Align PPM Express with Your Ideation Strategy
See how effortlessly you can set up PPM Express to reflect your unique ideation processes, enhancing creativity and innovation in your projects.
Initiate ideation with PPM Express
Capture Ideas with PPM Express
PPM Express helps you organize your team's ideas
Evaluate ideas with PPM Express
Prioritize ideas in PPM Express
Develop and track progress in PPM Express
Step 1
Initiate ideation
Initiate your creative journey with PPM Express, setting up a space that fosters collaboration and ideation.
Initiate ideation with PPM Express
Step 2
Capture ideas
Implement a system within PPM Express for capturing ideas as they arise, ensuring no potential insight is missed.
Capture Ideas with PPM Express
Step 3
Organize ideas
Use PPM Express to structure the collection of ideas. Arrange them based on potential impact, relevance, or other important criteria.
PPM Express helps you organize your team's ideas
Step 4
Evaluate ideas
Systematically assess the feasibility and potential of each idea using PPM Express's analytical tools.
Evaluate ideas with PPM Express
Step 5
Prioritize ideas
Focus on prioritizing ideas, selecting those that promise the greatest value and alignment with your strategic objectives.
Prioritize ideas in PPM Express
Step 6
Develop and track ideas
Move prioritized ideas into development and track their evolution into actionable projects using PPM Express's dashboards.
Develop and track progress in PPM Express
Unlock Team Innovation with PPM Express!
Foster a culture of innovation with our ideation management, all within one unified platform.
Learn How to Grow Your Team's Ideas
Collaborative spaces
Empower team creativity
Create a dynamic brainstorming and idea-sharing environment with PPM Express. Tap into your team's collective intelligence for innovative solutions.
See plans
Collaborative spaces to exchange ideas
Idea categorization
Streamline team focus
Streamline idea management by categorizing based on directions, departments, or impact, turning concepts into actionable projects.
See plans
Idea categorization with PPM Express on easy level
Idea tracking
From concept to outcome
Monitor idea progress from inception to implementation with our real-time tracking, ensuring thorough exploration of each innovation.
See plans
Track ideas with PPM Express
Team feedback
Ideas through teamwork
Use feedback and collaborative tools to collectively refine and enhance ideas, improving concept quality and viability.
See plans
Gather team feedback with PPM Express
Idea development
From ideation to action
Seamlessly transition ideas from initial thought to development, bridging the gap between creativity and practical execution.
See plans
Develop you ideas in PPM Express
Budgeting oversight
Grow your ROI
Manage project budgets and track finances efficiently with PPM Express, enhancing resource allocation and ROI.
See plans
Oversee your budget with PPM Express
Predictive risk mapping
Foresee creative blocks
Leverage PPM Express to predict and address obstacles, ensuring your team's ideation process is as seamless and efficient as possible.
See plans
Manage and mitigate risks in PPM Express
What Our Customers Say
With PPM Express our customers have a clear view of what is my next key date and my next milestone, and with active automated alerts on key dates approaching we make them more aware continuously looking at what’s next.
Marc de Graaf
Head of PMO I Codeless
PPM Express seamlessly integrates with MS Teams and enables our students with an easy way to collaborate and learn the Project Management course.
Dr. Karim Ahmed
Coventry University
We implemented and used PPM Express as our Portfolio Management Platform. The reports and Dashboards provide valuable consolidated information at different levels, and the beauty of this is that it’s just connecting information we already have and getting all the possible value from it.
Paola Bobbio
Senior Project Manager I invatron
With PPM Express, our company saves up to 60% of the time on reporting, project and resource planning.
Martijn Schasfoort
Maxima M.C.
Innovate as a Team, Impact the World
Collaborate, create, and conquer with PPM Express. Lead your team in crafting innovations that resonate worldwide.
Start Free Trial
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Start create innovation with PPM Express
Start With Ideation Management
Ideation management
Minimize the chance of missing important ideas within your organization.
  • Capture innovative ideas
  • Standardize business case management
  • Plan resources and budgets
  • Plan benefit realization
  • Evaluate and prioritize ideas
  • Drive strategic alignment
  • Use 200+ Microsoft Power BI reports
  • Unlimited Program Management
  • Unlimited Portfolio Management
  • Resource Planning and Utilization
  • Unlimited Time-tracking
  • Integrations including Azure DevOps, Jira, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Project,, Smartsheet  
  • API, Zappier and Power Automate Connector
from $1000
*included with Enterprise Plan
Start Free Trial
No credit card required
Access More Features of PPM Express
Integrated PPM
Seamlessly integrate project and portfolio management into your workflow, enabling cohesive planning and execution.
Work Management
Elevate your workflow management with a centralized platform that streamlines tasks, projects, and processes, eliminating silos and fostering seamless collaboration.
PPM Reports
Generate comprehensive reports and analytics to gain insights into project performance and make data-driven decisions.
Resource Planning
Efficiently allocate and manage resources to ensure optimal utilization and prevent bottlenecks in your projects.
Portfolio Prioritization
Strategically prioritize projects within your portfolio based on business objectives, resource availability, and potential ROI.
Get Answers to Your Questions
What is ideation management, and why is it crucial?
Ideation management facilitates ideas' generation, development, and communication. It's vital for fostering creativity and innovation within teams, turning abstract concepts into actionable projects.
What distinguishes PPM Express in managing ideation?
PPM Express is an ideation management platform, offering tools for brainstorming, evaluating, organizing, and prioritizing ideas as structured projects and strategies.
Can I use third-party forms to collect ideas in PPM Express?
Yes, with PPM Express, you can seamlessly integrate third-party forms for idea collection. Our platform supports API connectivity and is compatible with Zapier, allowing you to connect a variety of external form tools and streamline the ideation process.
Is PPM Express suitable for any team size during the ideation phase?
Absolutely, PPM Express is versatile enough to benefit teams of any size, from nimble startups to large corporations, thanks to its scalable functionalities and customization features.
How can I try out PPM Express for ideation management?
Experience the power of ideation with our free trial. Explore how PPM Express can transform your team's creative process before choosing a subscription. Ready to innovate?
Can PPM Express help in visualizing and organizing ideas?
Yes, with PPM Express, you can visually organize and prioritize ideas, creating a clear roadmap from concept to project initiation, enhancing clarity and focus.
Can PPM Express help prioritize and select the best ideas?
Yes, PPM Express includes features for scoring and ranking ideas based on predefined criteria, making it easier to identify and focus on the most promising concepts for development.
How does PPM Express track the progress of an idea?
PPM Express provides tools to track an idea's journey from conception through execution, with detailed progress reports and dashboards that give insights into each stage of development.
Start Your Easy Innovation Journey with PPM Express!
Make every idea count with PPM Express. Our innovation platform is designed for team-driven ideation, fostering collaborative brainstorming and seamless execution of ideas in all your projects
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