Struggling to manage Portfolios and Resources with
PPM Express connects and integrates all your projects, initiatives, resources and epics across Azure DevOps, Jira, MS Planner, MS Project and into a single view.
PPM Express connects and integrates all your projects, initiatives, resources and epics across Azure DevOps, Jira, MS Planner, MS Project and into a single view.
You can view your plans from within PPM Express and create project resource plans, and track and manage resource utilization for your teams. It will help you plan & monitor:
PPM Express connects and integrates all your product-related work managed in agile and modern project management tools, all your workstreams, initiatives, projects and epics across Azure DevOps Boards, Jira Software, Microsoft Planner, Microsoft Project and into a single view.
Let your teams use tools they love and use every day and protect existing investments!
use our software daily
of time spent on monitoring state and statuses of portfolios
tracked on PPM Express Platform
all your data is protected safely