How A Project Manager Should Manage Remote Teams: Full Guide

10 min read

In the not-so-distant past, the traditional office was the nucleus of productivity. Colleagues gathered around conference tables, brainstormed ideas over coffee, and fostered a sense of camaraderie in the physical workplace. 

But the world evolved, and so did the way we work. 

Imagine a morning when John, an experienced project manager, sips his coffee, gazing at a city waking up. His inbox, though, is a global affair – Tokyo, London, New York.

Welcome to the world of remote teams, where distance no longer defines teamwork. This guide will navigate the strategies and tools that turn scattered individuals into a unified force. 

Let’s embark on this journey together and start with the fundamentals.

What is a remote team?

As technology advances and the world becomes more interconnected, a new work paradigm has emerged: the remote team. 

Often called a virtual team, this is a group of individuals collaborating on projects and tasks from different locations, whether they be spread across different cities, states, or even continents. 

What unites them is their ability to work together despite the geographical distances that separate them.

The cornerstone of a remote team’s functionality lies in its reliance on digital tools and communication technologies. Instead of sharing a common office space, remote team members connect through emails, video conferences, instant messaging, and project management software. This allows them to collaborate, share information, and execute tasks just as effectively as if they were sitting side by side.

Remote teams can take various forms. They can either be temporarily assembled for a specific project, ideas generation, or permanent fixtures within an organization. Some organizations have fully distributed teams, where every member works remotely, while others may have a hybrid setup with a mix of on-site and remote employees.

The concept of remote teams has gained immense popularity for several reasons. For example, it enables companies to tap into a global talent pool, reduces overhead costs associated with maintaining physical offices, and offers employees the flexibility to work in environments that suit them best. 

As we dive into remote teams, it’s important to understand what makes a great remote manager.

What are the traits of a great remote manager?

Managing a remote team is not simply about overseeing tasks. It’s also about inspiring and leading individuals across distances, fostering a sense of unity, and achieving collective goals. 

To excel in this role, a project manager must possess unique traits and skills required for the remote work landscape:

  • Strong communication skills: Remote managers excel in clear and concise communication, fostering open dialogue among team members.
  • Empathy and understanding: They empathize with team members’ unique situations, promoting an inclusive team culture.
  • Adaptability: They embrace change and innovation to enhance team productivity.
  • Trustworthiness: They build trust by investing in their team’s capabilities and providing support when needed.
  • Organizational skills: They provide exceptional organization to ensure projects remain on track remotely.
  • Tech proficiency: They are proficient in digital tools and collaboration platforms that streamline remote workflows.
  • Results-oriented: They focus on outcomes, setting clear project goals, and providing constructive feedback.

Pro tip: If you want to advance further in project management, consider obtaining a project management certification from our comprehensive guide.

Having explored the traits of a great remote manager, let’s now turn our attention to the challenges they may encounter in managing remote teams.

What are the challenges in managing remote teams?

Managing teams remotely offers many advantages, from tapping into a global talent pool to providing employees with greater flexibility. 

However, it also presents a unique set of challenges that can test even the most skilled project managers. 

Here are some of the most common hurdles:

Communication barriersWithout the benefit of face-to-face interactions, miscommunication, and misunderstandings can easily arise. Language barriers, time zone differences, and reliance on written communication can further complicate matters.Employ a combination of communication tools such as video conferences, chat platforms, and regular status updates. Encourage open and transparent communication while being mindful of language and cultural differences.
Isolation and lonelinessRemote team members may experience feelings of isolation and loneliness due to the lack of in-person social interactions. This can impact morale, motivation, and overall well-being.Foster a sense of belonging by scheduling virtual team-building activities, creating online social spaces, and regularly checking in with team members on a personal level. Encourage peer-to-peer connections and mentorship.
Team collaborationCollaborative work, brainstorming, and spontaneous discussions naturally occurring in office settings can be challenging to replicate in a remote environment.Utilize collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards and scheduled team meetings to facilitate brainstorming and idea-sharing sessions. Encourage team members to proactively reach out to one another for ad-hoc discussions.
Monitoring and productivityManagers may worry about tracking team productivity when they can’t physically see employees. This can lead to micromanagement or a lack of trust.Focus on outcomes rather than monitoring activities. Set clear expectations, establish project milestones, use project management software like PPM Express to track progress, and trust team members to manage their time effectively.
Technology issuesTechnical glitches, unreliable internet connections, and software compatibility issues can disrupt workflow and frustrate team members. Moreover, using Excel as a project management tool can pose significant challenges.Provide technical support and resources to address common issues. Encourage team members to have backup plans in case of technical failures and consider investing in reliable collaboration tools and hardware.
Time zone varianceWhen team members are spread across different time zones, coordinating meetings and ensuring real-time collaboration can be challenging.Use scheduling tools that accommodate multiple time zones, rotate meeting times to distribute the inconvenience, and document meeting outcomes for those who cannot attend in real-time. Foster a culture of asynchronous communication where appropriate.
Work-life balanceRemote work can blur the lines between professional and personal life, leading to burnout and decreased productivity.Encourage team members to establish clear boundaries between work and personal time. Promote regular breaks and vacations, and lead by example in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Security ConcernsProtecting sensitive data and maintaining cybersecurity can be more challenging in a remote work environment.Implement robust security protocols, provide cybersecurity training, and use secure communication and file-sharing tools. Ensure that remote team members are aware of and follow security best practices.

Understanding the challenges of managing a team remotely lays the foundation for effective management strategies.

How to manage a remote team?

Managing remote teams requires a careful approach that combines effective leadership, clear communication, and a focus on results. 

Let’s look at a few practical strategies and real-life examples from PPM Express, particularly in the context of software development, to illustrate how to manage remote teams successfully.

1. Set clear expectations and goals

Effective remote management begins with clear expectations. Define a project baseline like objectives, key milestones, and targets such as SMART goals, OKRs, and individual roles to build a remote team. 

Clearly outline the roles, responsibilities, and expectations for each team member. Consider adding the RACI framework, which should include working hours, communication channels, and response time guidelines.

Example: In our remote development team, we have established a set of coding standards that all developers are expected to follow. This ensures consistency and makes it easier for team members to collaborate.

2. Regular communication and feedback

Maintain open channels of communication. 

Schedule regular check-ins and status updates to keep everyone on the same page. Provide constructive feedback to acknowledge accomplishments and address issues promptly.

Example:Every morning, our remote team holds a brief video stand-up meeting to discuss progress and challenges. This daily ritual fosters a sense of camaraderie and keeps us aligned.

3. Empower and trust your team

Trust your team members to manage their tasks independently and to make decisions within their areas of expertise. 

This can allow developers to choose the best approach to solving problems in software development, excluding micromanagement and including clear process of managing innovative ideas.

Example: Our remote developers have the autonomy to choose the tools they feel most comfortable with. Then, we can integrate them with PPM Express to see the whole picture of our portfolio. This has resulted in innovative solutions and higher job satisfaction.

4. Utilize collaboration tools

Leverage technology to facilitate collaboration. Use project management software, version control systems, and communication tools to streamline workflows.

Example: We use Github for version control, which allows our remote developers to work on code simultaneously without conflicts. It ensures code integrity and seamless collaboration. Additionally, we leverage PPM Express with Jira to enhance our project and portfolio management and development processes.”

5. Emphasize results, not hours worked

Focus on outcomes rather than hours worked. Encourage a results-oriented culture. 

Set performance metrics tied to project objectives

Example: Our remote team knows that what matters most is delivering high-quality, bug-free code on time. This approach keeps everyone motivated and aligned. We use prebuilt Power BI project dashboards in PPM Express to track project performance in real-time to ensure that we’re consistently meeting our project goals.

6. Promote knowledge sharing

Foster an environment of continuous learning and knowledge sharing. Encourage team members to share their expertise and insights. 

Example: Once a week, our remote developers hold a code review session to share best practices and provide constructive feedback to improve code quality.

7. Address time zone challenges

If your team spans multiple time zones, rotate meeting times to distribute the inconvenience and ensure essential information reaches everyone. 

Utilize asynchronous communication methods for non-urgent matters.

Example: We rotate the timing of our weekly team meetings to accommodate everyone’s schedules. Additionally, important decisions and updates are shared via email or chat, allowing team members to easily catch up.

In our resource management, we also embrace a portfolio view with PPM Express to allocate and optimize our resources across multiple projects efficiently. This enables us to balance workloads, prioritize tasks, and ensure that our remote teams work on projects aligned with our strategic goals.

8. Encourage work-life balance

Emphasize the importance of work-life balance as one of the most important remote teams’ best practices. Encourage remote team members to take breaks and set boundaries to avoid burnout. Provide resources and support for mental well-being.

Example: Based on how much time our remote team spends on checking emails, we have a ‘no-emails-after-hours’ policy to protect personal time and maintain a healthy work-life balance. We understand the importance of allowing team members to disconnect and recharge outside of working hours. This policy promotes well-being, helps prevent burnout, and fosters a more motivated and productive team.

Don’t forget that every team is unique. You need to consider your teammates and their differences.

Additional pro tip: If you’re still in need of ideas for managing remote teams, we offer a complete ChatGPT prompts library to assist you with this task using an AI assistant.

Having discussed the management of remote teams, let’s explore effective strategies for motivating remote workers.

How should you motivate remote workers?

Motivating remote workers presents a unique set of challenges compared to managing an in-person team, so adopting strategies that foster motivation and engagement among your remote workforce is crucial. 

here are some effective ways to motivate remote workers:

  • Prioritize communication: Maintain open and transparent communication through video conferences, chat tools, and emails to foster engagement.
  • Offer flexibility: Embrace remote work’s flexibility to improve work-life balance and motivation.
  • Support professional development: Invest in training and skill development for your team’s long-term growth.
  • Recognize achievements: Implement a rewards program to acknowledge accomplishments and insentivize motivation.
  • Build team bonds: Organize virtual team-building activities to foster inclusion in the company.
  • Lead by example: Demonstrate commitment, enthusiasm, and a strong work ethic as a leader.
  • Provide necessary tools: Ensure staff access to essential tools and address technical issues promptly.
  • Seek feedback: Gather input regularly from remote workers to adapt management approaches and policies.
  • Empower autonomy: Trust your team to make decisions and take ownership of their work.

Pro tip: Team members appreciate knowing they can stick with tools and platforms that work best for them. PPM Express integrates with key project management tools into one ecosystem for comprehensive project portfolio management.

As we dive into motivating remote workers, it’s important also to consider the tools that can enhance their productivity and engagement.

What tools do remote teams use?

Effective communication tools are the lifeblood of remote teams, enabling seamless exchange of information, fostering collaboration, and keeping team members connected. 

These tools provide features like real-time messaging, video conferencing, and integrations to facilitate clear and efficient remote team communication across dispersed team members:

  • Slack: A popular real-time messaging platform that allows team communication through channels, direct messaging, and integrations with other apps.
  • Microsoft Teams: Offers chat, video conferencing, and collaboration features, making it a comprehensive communication hub for remote teams with many helpful integration features.
  • Zoom: A widely used video conferencing tool known for its high-quality meetings and webinars.

Collaboration tools for remote teams empower them to work harmoniously, bridging the physical gap between team members. They also offer features to help with task management, project planning, and document collaboration, facilitating real-time cooperation on projects:

  • Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365): Provides a suite of remote team collaboration tools, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Planner, and Teams, for document sharing and co-authoring.
  • Google Workspace: Offers a similar suite of productivity and collaboration tools, including Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Google Meet.

Remote team management tools are essential for teams to stay organized, manage work efficiently, and meet project deadlines, including task and project management features, customizable workflows, and integrations to streamline work processes:

  • PPM Express: A comprehensive project and portfolio management tool that seamlessly integrates with various project management tools, providing an integrated overview of your projects and portfolios.
  • A versatile work operating system that facilitates project management with features for task tracking, team collaboration, and workflow customization.

Pro tip: If you’re seeking an alternative solution to, we’ve prepared a comprehensive guide for you. And if you don’t know how to choose the right project management software, we have another guide for you.

  • Microsoft Planner: Part of the Microsoft 365 suite, it offers task management and collaboration features, making it ideal for remote teams to organize and prioritize work.
  • Notion: A versatile tool that combines note-taking, task management, and knowledge sharing, making it useful for remote teams. Also, Notion provides extensive AI for project management.

Security and privacy tools are paramount for safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring a secure remote work environment as they protect against data breaches and unauthorized access by offering password management, encryption, and virtual private networks (VPNs) features:

  • LastPass: A password manager that enhances security by generating and storing complex passwords.
  • NordVPN: A virtual private network service that encrypts internet traffic and protects sensitive data.
  • Duo Security: Provides two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) to enhance account security.

HR and collaboration culture tools support remote teams in fostering a positive work culture, employee engagement, and well-being. This is done through the use of features for measuring employee satisfaction, collecting feedback, and enhancing company culture:

  • Culture Amp: Helps HR teams measure and improve employee engagement, performance, and company culture.
  • TINYpulse: Enables companies to gather employee feedback and measure their satisfaction and engagement.
  • Lattice: Combines performance management, employee engagement, and HR analytics in one platform.

CRM tools are crucial for remote teams involved in sales, marketing, and customer support. They enable businesses to manage customer relationships effectively by providing tools for contact management, sales automation, and customer support ticketing:

  • HubSpot: Offers a free CRM platform with tools for contact management, email marketing, and sales automation.
  • Zendesk: Provides customer support and service solutions for businesses to manage customer inquiries and interactions.
  • Flowlu: A comprehensive business management software that includes features for project management, CRM, invoicing, and collaboration, making it a valuable tool for remote teams to streamline operations and enhance customer relationships.

Training and Learning Management Systems (LMS) support the professional development of remote team members. They offer features for creating and delivering online courses, tracking progress, and evaluating learning outcomes:

  • Moodle: An open-source LMS that enables organizations to create and deliver online courses and training.
  • LinkedIn Learning: Provides a vast library of online courses and tutorials on various subjects, fostering continuous learning.
  • Udemy for Business: Offers a corporate learning platform with a wide range of courses for employee development.

Now that we’ve explored the essential tools for remote teams let’s turn our attention to the future trends in remote team management.

As remote work evolves, so does the art of managing remote teams. 

To stay ahead and ensure success in the ever-changing landscape of remote work, it’s crucial to be aware of emerging trends and adapt your management strategies accordingly. 

Here are some future trends in managing a remote team to watch for:

  • Hybrid work models: Balancing remote and in-office work preferences for team cohesion.
  • AI-powered analytics: Using data and AI for data-driven decisions on team performance.
  • Employee well-being: Prioritizing mental health and work-life balance in remote management.
  • Global talent pool: Adapting to diverse, globally dispersed teams.
  • Enhanced cybersecurity: Investing in robust cybersecurity for data protection.
  • VR and AR integration: Embracing immersive technologies for remote collaboration.
  • Skill development: Continuous learning and development for team competitiveness.
  • Eco-friendly practices: Promoting sustainability in remote work policies.
  • Remote work regulations: Adapting to evolving government regulations.
  • Performance metrics: Using remote-specific metrics for productivity and engagement assessment within project reports.

To stay ahead of these future trends in remote team management, it’s essential to equip your team with the right tools. PPM Express is the ideal solution for teams of all sizes looking to optimize remote work. 

With its comprehensive project and portfolio management tools suite, PPM Express can help you seamlessly manage remote teams, monitor performance, and adapt to the evolving landscape of remote work.

Empower your remote team for success by trying PPM Express today. 

How A Project Manager Should Manage Remote Teams: Full Guide
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