Eisenhower Matrix

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It is ​​a significant production and time management framework designed to help product managers prioritize agenda items or tasks. Its urgency and importance first classify it. This method is known as the Eisenhower decision matrix, the Eisenhower box, or the emergency-importance matrix. It consists of drawing a square box whose X-axis indicates an emergency, non-emergency and Y-axis indicates essential and non-important. Then combine the items listed in one of the four boxes, the emergency and critical boxes in the top left corner that require quick action.

Eisenhower Matrix

There is a variation b/w being busy or being productive. A person can fight a fire for hours, but it is not closer to achieving his long-term aims at the end of the day. It is an expensive, emotionally draining way of time. Humanity prioritizes time-sensitive tasks over any other, regardless of long-term rewards. He misses the important ones on his to-do list when he focuses too much on urgent tasks. By differentiating between essential & critical tasks, he can concentrate more attention and time on the most valuable things. The Eisenhower matrix helps him make that distinction and improve his time management.

How Many Quadrants Does Eisenhower Matrix Have? 

There are four quadrants involved in Eisenhower Matrix, which are given below.

  1. Do.
  2. Decide.
  3. Delegate.
  4. Eliminate.

Do: The first quadrant is “does,” which consists of your most essential tasks. These activities need to be completed urgently. Tasks whose deadlines were approaching or could not be postponed fell into this category. To put a task in this category, product managers must first thoroughly analyze their priorities and then determine whether it satisfies the criteria of “act now.” If that task requires completion within a day or does not exceed the next day, then it is an urgent task. Please do it now!

Decide: The second quadrant is a decision. It constitutes those essential but not necessarily urgent tasks. It can include a range of responsibilities, from professional email to follow-up to more personal appointments and commitments. This quadrant needs to be scheduled at another time. Generally, these tasks are consistent with long-term goals and will help grow.

Delegate: The third quadrant is an authorization. This category refers to unimportant but urgent tasks. Although this may sound counterintuitive, a person’s first instinct is, are not the urgent tasks also important? Not necessarily. These activities usually give them the illusion of being critical when they do not contribute much to their productivity.

Eliminate: The last quadrant is elimination. These tasks are productivity killers. They do not contribute anything to goals. Identifying these activities and eliminating them may boost productivity.

What Are the Difference b/w Important & Urgent Tasks?

  • Urgent tasks: It requires immediate attention. When something is urgent, it needs to be done immediately, and there are apparent results if they do not achieve these tasks within a specific time limit. These are tasks they cannot avoid, and the longer they delay them, the more stress they will likely experience, leading to burnout.
  • Essential tasks may not require urgent consideration, but these tasks assist them in achieving their long-term goals. They will need to plan for these tasks to use their resources efficiently and thoughtfully.


Time management or Eisenhower matrices improve productivity by developing team members to prioritize appropriately. This technology helps them understand what activities are worth their time and effort and what are not. Moreover, it is a priceless skill in a world where we are all anxious to keep up with our schedules. Eisenhower matrix is beneficial for product managers.

Eisenhower Matrix
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