Release Plan

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The Release plan refers to a project team’s document to plan how certain product features will be released. This document provides the timelines and lets the customer know when to expect the updated product. The project team usually uses it internally to understand the flow of the project.

It is a document where the project manager specifies the schedule of specific product releases. It determines when a particular feature will be developed and implemented in the product. Furthermore, it is designed to capture and track the features planned for upcoming releases.

The Release Plan answers what new features will be added in a particular release. It typically spans only some months, and the project team uses it internally.

What Does a Release Plan Have?

It specifies the:

  • resource allocation
  • direction and tasking of team members
  • phases of development
  • project milestones in the development process.

It can easily be confused with the product roadmap, as they appear to be the same things. The main difference between the product roadmap and the release plan is that the product roadmap defines what will be delivered and why it is needed, whereas it states how and when it will be delivered.

How to Create It?

Creating a release plan is essential to keep the development and improvement process on track.

Here are some tips that you can follow to make it:

Define What a Release Plan Is

As a project manager, you must let your team distinguish between the project roadmap and the release plan.

Define the Schedule of Release

The next step defines how often you will be releasing the new versions. A single release is usually composed of sprints. A sprint usually lasts for a week or two.

Define Why the Particular Feature Should Be Included and How it Will Affect the Teams

This part defines why a specific feature should be included in a particular release. It includes how these features will affect and benefit the organization.


It is an important document that specifies when certain features will be added to a product. It helps in letting different stakeholders understand how certain features will be implemented in a product.

Release Plan
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