Program Increment Roadmap

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A Program Increment (PI) Roadmap supports the creation of a timeline of events or milestones that defines all the targeted deliverables along the product’s journey. Future planning takes time and effort when creating a PI Roadmap. It is, in reality, a complex process because a team cannot accurately foresee how the market or the requirements will change. It may give some direction and build the groundwork for long-term projects with the help of a plan. Furthermore, it is all about adapting to change in an agile way.

Program Increment Roadmap

Program increment roadmap is making a timeline of events and milestones. It helps to set the complete path of product development. Leaving everything to chance will lead to disaster at every management and development level. Thus, some level of planning is required.

How To Create a PI Roadmap?

A PI roadmap can only start when two key points consider. They are described as follows:

Recognizing the Rhythm of the Market

There are several types of Market Events, including internal and external occurrences resulting from economic or market conditions. They are essential for creating a PI Roadmap because they can force organizations to shift production or provide products.

Suddenly launching a new product that provides a better customer experience than the previous one is an example of a Market event. This occurrence has prompted the company to adjust its strategy or development processes to outperform competitors. Events that happen at regular intervals are called Market Rhythms. With the last gasp of market rhythms, a team can anticipate the market’s needs and get an advantage over its competition.

Using the Planning Horizons

Consulting, management, and business owners work together to create strategic plans for the future by analyzing projections and other data. This activity, known as the planning horizon, is also termed a “planning window.” by participating in this activity; a team can gain a sense of clarity and definition.

A three-program-increment planning horizon for a PI Roadmap typically comprises the existing PI and two upcoming PIs. Numerous advantages exist for pursuing this strategy. It provides a clear path to follow and avoids the risk of making long-term agreements and diverting from the business’s priorities. Planning for more than two PI’s at a time would necessitate more detailed planning, which is not suitable because it could cause a shift in priorities over time.

Advantages of a PI Roadmap

  • A PI Roadmap can help a company build strong customer relationships. It focuses on making decisions based on solid factual, analytical, and quantitative information.
  • It improves coordination among all external and internal stakeholders by providing clarity and insight into what needs to be done. Maintaining faithful to the vision gives them insights into how the product will change over time.
  • A team must be open to change in order to be nimble. However, expecting the same attitude from the buyer is not a good idea. They may or may not like the fact that the product they have been using for a long time has suddenly altered.
  • A roadmap establishes a solid interactive and collaborative relationship with the client, allowing them to know that a change may occur somewhere along the product’s path.


The PI roadmap lists planned PIs with corresponding milestones and deliverables. Each item on the roadmap corresponds to a feature, functionality, or even an epic implemented in a particular PI. Fixed-date and learning targets may include the PI roadmap throughout that period. 

Program Increment Roadmap
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