Customer Research

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Customer Research is to simplify the decisions, emotions, urges, and purchasing behavior of the target customer. We collect information using various methods, identify common characteristics of different customer groups, classify them into customer segments and buyer personas, and conduct marketing campaigns targeting specific segments and personas.

As part of a market survey, a customer survey reveals target customers’ trends, motivations, and purchasing behavior — customer Research aid companies and businesses in implementing customer psychology and performing comprehensive purchasing behavior profiles.

Customer Research

Customer Research is to simplify the decisions, emotions, urges, and purchasing behavior of the target customer. We collect information using various methods, identify common characteristics of different customer groups, classify them into customer segments and buyer personas, and conduct marketing campaigns targeting specific segments and personas. A customer survey reveals target customers’ trends, motivations, and purchasing behavior as part of a market survey.

Why Is Customer Research Necessary?

Customer Research is an efficient tool for companies to realize their current and future customers better. Sometimes it can be time-consuming, but it can reduce wasted time on products and services that are not attractive to customers or spend money on advertising in ways that do not reach the target audience. By conducting customer surveys, companies can better understand their customers.

Types of Customer Research

There are four types of customer surveys, and by combining them in different ways, a product manager can get a complete picture of his company’s customers.

Quantitative Survey

Quantitative research includes all factual data. For example, if a product manager looks at a customer’s age, he can get quantitative data. However, it is not quantitative data when analyzing how customers feel about a brand. Quantitative data is based on facts, so it is easy to analyze. For example, it is uncontroversial how old a customer is and how much money they have bought in the past month. Quantitative data can help companies understand customer demographics and customer behavior trends.

Qualitative Investigation

Qualitative surveys are often based on opinion, making them more subjective. Qualitative surveys typically use free-form questions that allow customers to explain their feelings and thoughts. For example, the product manager may ask a customer, “What was their last experience at his company?” Qualitative surveys are more difficult to analyze because customers with different answers cannot be easily grouped. However, qualitative surveys tell companies how customers view their business.

Implementation Method of Consumer Surveys

Customer Research comes in many forms, from the daily notes that the product team makes, such as calls to sales and customer support, to more structured and structured data collection methods.

It may take some trial and error to determine the best consumer survey method for business, but it is worth it. To collect data, customers should be classified into customer segments as much as possible.

What Is Bayer Persona?

A Buyer Persona, also known as a Customer Persona, is a research-based profile built by analyzing actual customers. Buyer personas are built from exact customer words and detailed explanations of the target customer, allowing the product team to understand better who the customer is, what they feel value in, and what motivations they have.

If a company wants to know what prospective customers are thinking about dealing with its startup’s problem. The product manager needs to create a buyer persona. Buyer personas allow brands to understand their customer segments better and recognize their key features. Customer acquisition and service activities are tailored to the target buyer’s needs.


Customer Research is typically carried as the role of a planned project, but is often led by other departments in an organization. For example, in some cases, customer research is conducted as part of marketing to appropriately focus on a marketing campaign. It is also implemented as part of concept development.

Customer Research
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