PPM Express Digest: What’s New in May 2023?

4 min read

We are delighted to unveil the latest updates for PPM Express in May! 

Our dedicated team has put in tremendous effort to enhance our platform by introducing new features and functionalities, all designed to streamline your project management tasks and support you in achieving your goals. 

This month, we are excited to introduce six remarkable updates for PPM Express:

  • We redesigned the Jira Connection page to support custom hierarchy levels of issue types
  • We added the option to choose a color in the field of the ‘Select’ type
  • You can now set a baseline for Key Dates

We’ll provide detailed information about each update and guide you on how to maximize the potential of our platform. 

Let’s have a closer look!

We redesigned the Jira Connection page to support custom hierarchy levels of issue types

Before: When the Jira project was selected for linking, two checkboxes were available: Import Sprints (if this option was selected, users could select the Board and import its Sprints to the Iterations section) and Link to Epic, which allowed users to link the PPM Express project to only one Jira Epic instead of the whole Jira project. 

Configure connections menu in PPM Express

Now: The checkboxes have been removed, and there is a drop-down instead. 

The Board drop-down allows selecting the Board and importing Jira Sprints from the selected Board to the Iterations project section. 

The Parent Issue drop-down allows selecting the required issue(s) from the list and linking the PPM Express project to the selected issue(s) instead of the whole project. All Jira issue types are available for linking now. 

You can link custom hierarchy levels with a PPM Express project if your Jira instance has custom hierarchy levels. If you have multiple Initiatives or Epics in Jira that you want to handle as a distinct project, you can now connect these items with a project in PPM Express. This allows you to manage all these work items together as a unified project.

Adjust hierarchy levels in Jira Connection within PPM Express

The Jira tasks page will show the list of the linked issues in this case and the hierarchy for each issue.  

We added the option to choose a color in the field of the ‘Select’ type

This functionality helps users visually designate their project/portfolio/program states, custom statuses, etc. 

For example, the ‘Project Stage’ filed values can be colored by opening the field for editing and selecting the colors for each value.  

Color adjustments in fields menu in PPM Express

When the colors are added, each stage will be colored accordingly. 

Stage color in Project stage menu

The colored fields will also appear on the timeline tooltips and table views of items. 

Colored items in menu of PPM Express

You can now set a baseline for Key Dates.

The Baseline can be set for all PPM Express Key Dates. To set the baseline, select the Key Dates and click the Set Baseline button (the Baseline is created for the Date field). 

Setting baseline in PPM Express

If you open the Key Date for editing, the Baseline tab becomes active once all required fields are filled in. 

Editing key element and its baseline in PPM Express

To remove the Baseline mark from the timeline view, click on the ‘Style’ option and disable the Show Baseline option. 

Showing baseline in PPM Express

The Baseline will be read-only for rolled-up Key Dates (imported from Project or Program to Program or Portfolio level). For example, if the Key Date is imported from Projects to Portfolios, the Baseline is set in Projects. On the Portfolio dashboard, the Set Baseline option will be disabled in this case. 

It is also possible to set the Baseline for the Key Dates imported from the external systems. 

Essential improvements and fixes that make all the difference

At PPM Express, we are continuously dedicated to enhancing our platform to provide our users with the best experience possible. 

In addition to the major updates we have already announced, we have made numerous small yet impactful improvements and fixes. 

These enhancements encompass various areas, such as streamlining workflows, bolstering data security, and improving accuracy. 

Our aim is to ensure that your project management experience is constantly elevated. To inform you about the latest advancements in PPM Express, we will spotlight the most significant changes implemented this month.

Key improvements you don’t want to miss

Discover the latest enhancements we’ve made to PPM Express that can help streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity:

  • We redesigned the UI of the “Sign up” and “Log in” pages
  • You can now open PPM Express sections in full-screen mode
  • We improved the appearance of multi-line fields by allowing you to open the field box and review full information instead of using the scroll option

Crucial fixes you need to know about

We’ve made some crucial fixes to PPM Express recently that ensure the security, accuracy, and reliability of your data:

  • We fixed the issue where a ‘500 error’ was displayed when creating a new Calendar Exception.
  • We addressed the problem where a ‘500 error’ was shown when creating a new Planner Plan with an expired token.
  • We resolved the issue of Jira synchronization failure in a specific scenario.
  • We fixed the problem where tooltips were not fully displayed on the Timeline view.

If you would like to receive an email notification with an extended features overview a few days before the upcoming release, please fill in the PPM Express Release Notification Form

We’re thrilled to share these exciting updates to PPM Express with you! 

Our dedication to enhancing our platform remains unwavering, ensuring we deliver the features and functionality necessary for efficient and effective project and portfolio management

Whether seeking streamlined workflows, deeper progress insights, or enhanced organization, PPM Express is here to fulfill your needs.And with our trial, it’s easier than ever to try out our platform for yourself and see how it can benefit your team.

PPM Express Digest: What’s New in May 2023?
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