Cost of Delay

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Cost of Delay is a method to understand and share the effects of time on prediction results. It provides companies with a way to calculate and compare the costs of choosing to complete a project or function later without completing it. In general, the meaning of deferred costs is precisely what the term implies. It means the loss or postponement of benefit or value due to delay. For example, a person left home 15 minutes late. This delay causes him to be stuck in traffic for over an hour, making him late for an important meeting. He might imagine the cost of this day’s delay.

Cost of Delay

By separating urgency from value, CoD metrics provide a clearer picture of allocated resources. It can control projects in software development, general product development, or IT operations. From the product manager’s point of view, the delayed cost framework is an effective decision-making tool that can completely change how an organization thinks. It provides full-scene visibility of the most mission-critical tasks by adding value perspectives to the cost and deadline conversations. The Cost of Delay is a vital factor for every industry.

Why Is the Cost of Delay a Helpful Approach for Product Managers?

Product development experts find the cost of delay approaches vital for the following reasons.

  • It guides to a more accurate estimate of the cost & value of each initiative:  Most people have poor estimates of the cost of delay. They fail to consider all the negative factors that delay can cause. They also miscalculated how long it would take to accomplish the project. As a result, their guess about the cost of delays is usually very low.
  • It assists teams in distributing resources better: As we wrote in a previous article, why product managers should calculate the cost of delay is an approach that gives product teams a clear idea of how to use limited development resources. While this strategy does mean that there will eventually be a lot of functionality available, there will not be any new functionality available in the short term, and therefore no revenue to drive incremental growth.”
  • It can give valuable data points for stakeholders who need a change in priorities: Product managers typically face urgent requests and requests to add unique features. Otherwise, they will disrupt the strategic plan in the product roadmap. These emergency requests may come from sales representatives, executives, and other sources. Product Managers can explain to stakeholders the exact economic impact of delaying their work on the agreed product functionality when utilizing this approach.

What Are the Advantages of Using the Cost of Delay Framework?

The CoD Framework is a dominant decision tool that supports product managers in prioritizing tasks based on monetary value, reducing the improper allocation of resources. The clarity of decision-making is reflected in better investment returns with limited resources. By correctly estimating the business value of a task-specific user and its time-criticality, the software team can process a project based on the actual market profit they will achieve. CoD provides insight into the financial risks and opportunities of each change in scope and progress. The cost of delay indicator is also a powerful indicator of a reasonable economic tradeoff.


The cost of delay helps to understand and quantify the effect of time on results. Simply, it provides an easy method to determine how much time it will take to design a unique feature. It is calculated by considering value and urgency. A delayed project or function can mean more extended labor costs and lost opportunities, and it may also mean releasing substandard products and damaging reputations.

Cost of Delay
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